
From content creation and management to publishing and distribution, Datagain has the right capabilities to build, deploy and support appropriate solutions to meet your needs. Our solutions for the industry include the following:

Content Creation, XML Content Transformation, Editorial Systems, Knowledge Management
Circulation and Distribution Management Systems, Rights & Royalties Management
Finance, Subscription Management
Digital Content Distribution Platform that enables new business models

Information Services
Content Digitization, Entity Extraction, Content Transformation, Content Fabrication
Centralized Content Storage (structured & Unstructured), Content Search (Full Text, Metadata, Contextual), Digital Asset Management, Knowledge Management, Analytics
Integrated Workflow Management,  Editorial Systems, Finance, Subscription Management, Transcription, and Translation.

IT Infrastructure Services
Data Center Management
Network Management
Desktop Services

Mobile & Social Media Solutions
Multi-Channel Distribution [B2B]
Consumer Experience – Web 2.0 and Social Networking
Mobile Apps Development
Online Advertising